What I Did Today (published on ABBAMAIL Nov 2004)

Woke up 8:20 am pacific standard time
Surrendered the day
Got up 8:30
Let the cat out
Checked my email
Brushed my teeth, peed
Checked craig's list for any good sex posts. Didn't find any in my area.
No time for that right now anyway.
Made breakfast (bacon - 3.5 slices, eggs - 3)
Read the paper (LA Times - front section and entertainment section plus the
comics) and a bit of the new People magazine with the Sexiest Man Alive
(Jude Law) on the cover
Tried to have a bath but have no hot water. Made note to call the landlord.
Checked my half.com sales and prepared them for post office drop
Updated my iPod to include the new Gwen Stefani, U2, Shawn Colvin, Eminem
and Darryl Worley albums. Don't really like the David Worley. But whatever.
Paid some money (online) to my credit card (Citibank)
Washed a load of laundry (towels and white t-shirts)
11am Went to therapist Jim (great guy!) felt somewhat better.
Tried to look at the sky instead of the ground.
Stopped at discount vitamin store on Beverly. Bought discounted vitamins.
Called landlord, left message.
Stopped at piercing store on Melrose to replace PA with lost bead (my
fault). Out of stock.
12:30 pm Met Phillip for lunch at Target in West Hollywood (I had gyro
plate, he had veggie burrito)
Bought my niece and nephew's Christmas presents at Target (what we Canadians
call toques, Americans call "wool caps", think they will like them whatever
they call them) and a new thermal t-shirt (heather, long sleeved) for
myself. And a candy bar (Hershey's) to wash the taste of my gyro plate out
of my mouth.
Landlord called back, finally after 5 months of me pleading, agreed to
replace water heater.
Drove to the Wilshire Theater in Beverly Hills (no stopping zone after 3pm),
bought two tickets to see Neil Sedaka sing Yiddish Christmas songs on
Dec 4th Merrick's idea.
Talked to Merrick on the phone about tickets, and recent movies. I liked
Saw, the Incredibles and National Treasure, not so hot on Bridget Jones 2.
He loved Polar Express and wants to see it with me in 3D. I remain
Stopped to buy gas. Inserted debit card, punched it all in, was approved
but then there was no hose for 87 gas. It was too expensive there anyway.
I have enough gas to get home.
Stopped to get two price quotes to repair very small scratch on side of truck
(black Ford Explorer Sport). $550 and $650 and three days in the shop.
Was appalled. Stopped to buy a black marker on the way home and fix it
myself. 59 cents.
Stopped at the hardware store, bought replacement glass for framed signed
(by Benny and Bjorn) Mamma Mia poster that I knocked off the wall last week.
Arrived home 4:30 pm, checked mail (no new cds today) and email (4689 unread
messages in IN box).
Fed cat again.
Had 5 minute nap.
Checked craig's list for any good sex posts. One guy wrote back to me but
he's in Hollywood. No time for that right now. Plus he claims to have no
pictures. Always a bad sign.
Changed into gym clothes, drank protein/vitamin smoothie.
Went to gym. Watched men. Was envious of certain body parts. Chalked it
up to genetics. There is no other explanation. Maybe steroids. Too scary.
Worked out, with bad genes and no steroids.
Was depressed by reflection in the mirror. Need to work out more, eat less and
have minor plastic surgery. A Christmas present to self?
Contemplated recovery time from plastic surgery.
6pm went to Artists in Sobriety meeting at AT Centre. Was moved. Counted
blessings (many). I need to write more, worry less.
Drove to Glendale for dinner at Algemac's diner (pork loin, double
vegetable, no bread, no potatoes.)
Read Marianne Williamson's new book (The Gift of Change) for awhile, was
Started reading new (to me) novel The Dive From Clasen's Pier ("National
Bestseller" it says on the cover.) Was intrigued. Hope it's half as good
as the last book I read, The Time Traveller's Wife (made me cry).
Drove home 8pm.
Checked email, fed cat yet again.
Entered handful of stray items on eBay (including ABBA Greatest Hits CD
German pressing) Realised just how over eBay I am.
Contemplated alternatives.
9:30 pm worked on half.com inventory (currently listing 1222 items with a
total value of $7,245.25), watched the last (latest) episode of LAX
(great!), the first episode of CSI:NY (I'm a bit behind), and Inside the
Actors Studio with Mark Wahlberg (great!) while working online.
12:15 am Wrote a post to my two Carpenters groups about this mirror that was
supposedly Karen Carpenter's. Am looking for proof (ie a photo?)
Watched Jack & Bobby "Lost Boys", a repeat of last week's episode that made
me cry. Made me cry again. What a great show. It will never last.
1am had a bath in 4 inches of lukewarm water.
Checked craig's list for any good sex posts. Only tweakers are looking for
sex after midnight on a weekday. Sent out a few feelers anyway. No
Watched a bit of porn ("Nasty Men") Not overly nasty. Was both envious and apalled.
Took notes.
Inventoried the day, my feelings and my behaviour.
Was thankful.
Asked for hope, understanding, a restful sleep, and peace in the world.
Signed off 1:30 am pacific standard time.

Rod Reynolds
Los Angeles CA USA

Rod Reynolds ©2004 The Art Dept Los Angeles

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